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We're all very excited about WildStar Housing! So here I've compiled a tantalizing collection of both concepts and screenshots guessed it...WildStar Houses. From all the videos about this, we know there will be virtually no limits on decorating your home. Thanks to plugs and sockets, you'll be able to include in your yard an extensive host of wicked fun and useful stuff . From farming to dungeon portals and even a giant keyboard that really plays when you step on it, the outside of your house will be even more exciting than the inside! Also, your friends will be able to help you farm while you're away, or you can set it so that your home is a public hangout. You'll also be able to set it so only those select few can enter beyond your gates. Personally, I plan to have my house as a Guild hangout.



But enough reading, feast your eyes on videos and screenshots galore!

ProtoStar Housing Trailer

Housing PreView

PAX East 2013: Housing

DevSpeak: Housing

Gamescom 2013: Housing

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